Arizona Sports Angels

Your donations of new or used sports equipment and/or a financial donation helps us to make sure that no child is left out.
Arizona Sports Angels
Your donations of new or used sports equipment and/or a financial donation helps us to make sure that no child is left out.
With generous donations by corporate donors and individuals we have been able help out Title 1 schools with playground & PE equipment as well as equip baseball, softball, and even golf teams all over the state of Arizona... Come see the results!!!
We have several drop off locations across the valley to collect new or gently used sporting goods. In some cases we are also willing to come out and pick up new and gently used sporting goods too. Remember, even used equipment is tax deductible!
With your generous tax deductible donations we can do so much! We can purchase quality equipment at discounted prices from our sporting goods store partners. We can also help pay for kids' team registration fees and provide free physicals.